This is a trial page at present, you know, in Australia we used to have a very good website where people could place model trains and other really interesting stuff for sale or to buy. Since that website closed there does not seem to be anywhere that caters to that need. So we are going to try to create a page where customers can advertise their model engineering projects for sale or wanted. Just trying to set this up within the limitations of my web site editing features so there may be some restrictions and anomalies to start with but we will see if we can get it right over time. 

So if you have something to sell , or are looking to buy this is the place!

For Sale

Royal Chester Traction Engine main castings 1 1/2" scale.

39 of the major castings for this project in Bronze and cast iron, set of plans and book included. The Allchin Royal Chester is perhaps the ultimate English traction engine model and many fine examples have been built.            However; this is not a model for the beginner

This selection of castings would cost $2500 to import from the UK, we offer them for sale at $1750 plus delivery or postage. Remaining castings if needed can be still be purchased from Reeves in the UK.

Contact Hobby Mechanics directly about this item at

For Sale

Buy and sell